Do not try to rush this! Do a great job in the present moment only! Do not move beyond! It is not quantity of your efforts! It is quality of your efforts! Everything you do is either a success or failure. If you do any efficient acts actions that do not move you toward your goal your whole life, your whole life will be a failure. If every one of years efficient acts is a success, then your luck then your whole life must be a success. You control your actions. You control your destiny by your thoughts and actions. The goal is to make each and every act you do, a success. Collectively you will be successful! You can't be successful because all power is working with you. You have the power to make yourself rich! Every action is either stronger week, by holding your vision while you are doing it, and putting the whole power of view faith and purpose into it. You will be acting as certain way. This is crucial. The power of your mind in the power of your actions must be used in the same time and space. Continuous contemplation will give you the picture of what you want even in this to the smallest details. Remember. There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which in its original state, permeates penetrates and fills the enter spaces of the universe. The thought in the substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought. Man can form things in his thought, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, and he can make the creation in his MIND become REAL!
You Must Believe This! It is the only way it works.