This is an interesting passage. Thank you Judy.
If we think about becoming ruthless, turning over our work to someone else because we are too lazy or distracted to do it, or fail to extend the proper courtesy to our co-worker, friend, loved one, or man on the street, the ultimate reflection is on us. On the other hand, if we extend the milk of human kindness to the person least likely to return the favor, do good for the sake of doing good and not for the sake of "what's in it for me," and be positive minded because a positive attitude is the right mental attitude in all circumstances, then the Universe will pave the way for us to do the work we are most suited to do. We then work toward fulfilling our destiny when we keep an open channel instead of block the flow. Universal law never fails, and if the mantra "what you think about you become" is the pathway to success or failure, does it make any sense to focus on what we do not want in our lives? Always be good, do good, and you will have good. Good flows from good. Recognize this and you will be on the high road to success.
Be Your Very Best Always,
Judy Williamson