Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thursday's I Am Billionaire

Sometimes it's hard to figure out what your idea is.
My technique to figure out what your IDEA could be consists of 2 steps:
1) Take a lined sheet of paper and put it in a vertical list a group of words that represent what is wrong with your life and what you hate about it.Single words are best.Write it fast without thinking the 1st time.Then, write some more words as you think about everything you can about what is not working for you in your life. It could be money, relationships, depression,anything.
2) Take that list and choose the 3 words that produce the most unhappy feelings.
Take the drawing paper and draw the picture of what it is you don't want in your life anymore.Be sure to include the 3 words in your drawing which cause you the most emotional pain.
Now, study that list and drawing until you feel all of the feelings.
Stay tuned and I will tell you how to proceed from there to become who you are meant to be.