Friday, September 30, 2011

I Am A Billionaire! & Loving Yourself

Do you love you?
Or do you pretend to love you but deep down inside you feel unlovable?
Why is that?
It's from all of the talk we heard as little children;or from very negative people.You can't do anything right. No one likes you. Etc....
It's time to release those thoughts and move into your positive thinking. Why would you want to think about all the bad things that happened in your life? Move forward and forgive the past because that forgiveness of others is for you really. Think only of what you are in love with doing. I am a billionaire. 12 x a day as much as you can.
Live in the now. Feel the wealth. Feel whatever is your desire.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I Am A Billionaire!

To laugh is to risk appearing the fool.
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.
To reach out for another is to risk involvement.
To expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self.
To place your ideas, your dreams, before a crowd is to risk their loss.
To love is to risk not being loved in return.
To live is to risk dying.
To hope is to risk despair.
To try is to risk failure.

Author unknown.

Monday, September 26, 2011

I Am A Billionaire! & Your Gratitude

I believe that gratitude is short for great attitude. With gratitude ,you look at the other side of the coin. The other side of the coin is abundance. You thank the universe for everything that you have received in your life. With gratitude, you can feel how much you really have in your life and how your life isn't so bad after all. When you get into this frame of mind, you feel better,you begin to have a great attitude about life. Your great attitude is contagious. Other people will want to be around you. You become a magnet because your great attitude is very attractive. Things will go your way. Have an attitude of gratitude all day. This means staying in a state of bliss, like you just won the lotto, or you finally met the love of your life. You did meet the love of your life. It is YOU!

Now ,Chapter 7 -Gratitude
 In the last chapter, how riches come to you, you learned 3 things.
1st, you BELIEVE that there is one intelligent substance, which I refer to as the universe.
2nd, you BELIEVE that this substance gives you everything you desire.
3rd, you relate to it by a feeling of deep and profound GRATITUDE.
Many people stay in poverty or don't get what they want by LACK OF GRATITUDE.
GRATITUDE WILL BRING YOUR WHOLE MIND INTO CLOSER HARMONY with the creative energies of the universe. Try it and see how well it works. Gratitude will keep your mind focused on the creative thought processes and prevent you from falling into COMPETITIVE thought.
The law of gratitude is the natural principle that  action and reaction are always equal and in opposite directions.
The grateful outreaching of your mind in thankful praise to the supreme intelligence is a liberation or expenditure of force. It can't fail to reach that to which it is addressed,and the reaction is an instantaneous movement toward YOU.
FOCUS YOUR ATTENTION on the BEST, surround yourself with the BEST, and YOU WILL BECOME THE BEST.Don't ever let your mind fall into the poor mode, or the common mode or that is what YOU WILL ATTRACT.
Expect great things in your life and they will appear. Your mind has no room for anything but greatness.
Whatever you think about the most ,you will become.

Stay tuned for chapter 8 - Thinking in the Certain Way......................................

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I Am A Billionaire! & How Money Comes to YOU!

Did you ever wonder how you can get a lot of money?
How is it that money just seems to go to other people so easily?
How can I get money to start flowing into my life?
Is there anything special or extra I can do to make money come to me?
The Science of Getting Rich has an answer!
How does money come to you?
If you have a talent to offer,whatever your favorite talent is, you can give more of yourself than expecting anything else in return. Since you love what you are doing, then that should not be a problem. They say, Do what you LOVE and the money will follow.
It is very true. You are doing something you enjoy so much that it doesn't even seem like work. A contagion occurs when this happens. Other people want to rise to the occasion and do better.It brings out the best in people.
If you want MONEY, hold the mental image of it with the most positive certainty that it is on its way to YOU. After forming the thought of money, have the most absolute and unquestioning faith that the money is coming. NEVER speak of it any other way than as being sure to arrive.Claim the money as it is already yours.
It will be brought to you as a suprise .It will come from where you least expect it. Believe this with you heart and soul.
Now enjoy Chapter 6 of The Science of Getting Rich.
Stay tuned for Gratitude.....